Social Communications
Scalabrinian Press Federation

«To better serve the migrants, the Congregation fosters and promotes the use of mass media, prepares personnel for this task and works with those who pursue the same goals»
Rules of Life, 28
The Scalabrinian press Federation (SPF) unites and coordinates the Scalabrinian headings, which are published in different places and for different purposes: from parish bulletins to scientific journals, from the Congregation’s magazine to publications aimed at informing and sensitizing public opinion.
A complete list of periodicals and magazines
Scientific Journals of the Scalabrini Migration Study Centers

In those countries especially where distances are significant and where those who are entrusted to their care are spread out over a vast territory (e.g.: Brazil and Australia), the Scalabrinian missionaries make use of modern means of communication, such as radio and television programs. In southern Brazil, the missionaries are even the proprietors of radio stations.
The broadcasts make it possible to reach listeners not only with useful information, quiet moments of prayer and light entertainment, but also with the Gospel message, by means of reflections, meditations and the celebration of Mass.

The Web represents a new and particularly useful tool for spreading information and as a platform for information, exchanges and contacts at the local and world levels.
The Scalabrini Congregation, present in 34 countries and constantly in touch with the dispersion caused by migration, uses this tool to communicate within and among its provinces and regions, as well as for pastoral ministry (parish websites), as information and sensitization channel (e.g. the websites of the Centers of Study), and as a reference point for encounters and communications for youth activities (e.g. youth movements, media and culture).

ScalaMusic is the Scalabrinian Missionaries’ project to promote Christian music. It gathers and forms musical talents favoring their creativity in themes related to the world of human mobility. This association was born officially on May 21, 2008; its artists, however, have been active in creating common projects, in productions and shows since 2005.
Some examples of scalabrinian editorial pubblications.

G.B. Bentoglio, Letture d’accoglienza. Accoglienza e ospitalità: valori e sfide
Ancient and New Testament agree in talking about the stranger in terms of acceptance, dialogue, mutual enrichment. Father Gabriele Ferdinando Bentoglio, Postulator General of the Scalabrinian Congregation and Doctor of Biblical Theology, guides us in the analysis of these writings which, because of their Christological-ecclesiological dimension, have «imprinted an original seal on the relationships between people, suggesting itineraries (… ) that can also illuminate the changed situations of today, especially in the context of migration».
Father Bentoglio was head of the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) and undersecretary of the Pastoral Council for migrants and itinerants. He is currently parish priest in Reggio Calabria of the chiesa dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo in Sant’Agostino. For the magazine Scalabriniani he takes care of the Postulazione column.

G. Fanzolato, Abbà caro papà. Meditazioni sul Padre Nostro
Father Gianni Fanzolato is a Scalabrinian missionary who for several years has carried out his ministry in Loreto as spiritual father of the Scalabrinian welcome house, chaplain of the Abitare il tempo hospital and of the Oasi Ave Maria home for the elderly. He is the author of several books, including Ave Maria. Preghiera di vita (by Shalom publishing house) e Grande è il tuo nome su tutta la terra. Riflessioni intorno al secondo comandamento (by Città Nuova publishing house).
In his Abbà caro papà, published by Edizioni Il Segno, father Fanzolato collects his meditations on the prayer of the Our Father. «Trust and trust in the Father must therefore be preceded by any other request – wrote Archbishop Fabio Dal Cin – This is the golden thread that unites all the experiences that Father Gianni has collected and proposes for our meditation. Once again, the author gives us these agile and tasty pages that update and comment on the prayer of the sons of God with the concreteness of life».

G.F. Bentoglio, Migranti di ieri e di oggi. Viaggi e speranze
Migranti di ieri e di oggi. Viaggi e speranze is the title of a text by Father Gabriele Bentoglio, a Scalabrinian missionary and general postulator of the congregation. It is a collection of pastoral reflections and strategies to face the challenges of the migratory phenomenon that start from the life of some key figures in Scalabrinian history.
«The reflections collected in this book – we read on the back cover – come to a phase in the history of migration that is taking on dramatic and sometimes even tragic features».
Migranti di ieri e di oggi. Viaggi e speranze proposes to respond to the frequent appeals of Pope Francis to solicitude for migrants by providing the story of exemplary and close lives, a stimulus and encouragement for the pastoral workers of today.

E. C. Stibili, Pietro Bandini. Missionary, Social Worker and Colonizer
The figure of Father Pietro Bandini, a Scalabrinian missionary known above all for having founded in 1898 the Italian colony of Tontitown, in Arkansas, is a window on the important religious and social developments that characterized the United States at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, like the Christianization of the Native Americans and the problems related to mass migrations from Europe.
The life and commitment of the priest born in Forlì on March 31st 1852 are carefully reconstructed in the book Bandini. Missionary, Social Worker and Colonizer” by E.C. Stibili, published by the Scalabrinian province of San Carlo Borromeo in collaboration with the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)

Giovanni Terragni, Padre Domenico Vicentini, Superiore Generale dei Missionari di S. Carlo (Scalabriniani) dal 1905 al 1919
When the bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini dies on June 1, 1905, the responsibility of leading the congregation of the Scalabrinian missionaries is shortly assumed by Father Domenico Vicentini. Superior general from 1905 to 1919, he has before him the difficult task of giving spiritual assistance and support to the large number of Italians who disembarked in America.
Father Giovanni Terragni, head of the General Archive of the Scalabrinian Congregation, tells the story of this trial and of the man called to face it.

F. Baggio, P. Parise, W. Lopes Sanchez, Diásporas africanas e processos sociorreligiosos
In June 2016, the second edition of “Simpósio Internacional sobre Religião e Migração” took place in São Paulo, Brazil. The book “Diásporas africanas e processos sociorreligiosos”, edited by Fabio Baggio, Paolo Parise and Wagner Lopes Sanchez, collects the experts’ contributions gathered in those days

Patrick Murphy, Vidas en vilo. Historias y testimonios de migrantes internacionales
Thirty years after its foundation on April 4, 1987, the Casa del Migrante di Tijuana, Mexico, continues to offer hospitality and support to migrants in transit, on the border with the United States. A service that continues to renew itself, adapting itself to the migratory changes and the needs of a part of humanity on the way. «Today it is no longer enough to provide migrants with food and shelter for a maximum of two months – explains Father Pat Murphy, director of the House – but it is necessary to respond to the request for complete humanitarian aid».
There are countless requests and stories that deserve to be told and which have been gathered by volunteers of the Casa del Migrante in over three decades of activity. This book, edited by the Scalabrinian father Patrick Murphy, collects a lot of them.

AA.VV. Internal Migration in Vietnam: Issues, Practices and Prospects
In January 2017 the Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) in Manila, directed by Father Graziano Battistella, promoted a seminar in Ho Chi Minh City for the study and sharing of good practices on the phenomenon of human mobility within the borders of the Asian state. Here’s the booklet which collects the themes and discussions of those days.

AA.VV, Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces
From February 2014 to January 2017, the European Union financed international research to study transnational temporary mobility in the European-Asian context. Now the results of the research are available in the volume Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces, published by Springer, which includes a contribution from the Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) in Manila.

Quando si parla di migrazione, non si può nascondere la sensazione che la maggior parte delle dichiarazioni pubbliche siano “sui” migranti: se tentassimo un censimento delle dichiarazioni, dei suggerimenti, delle indagini e degli studi sul tema, vedremmo che le opinioni “dei” migranti, le loro idee e dichiarazioni siano molto meno numerose, quasi ininfluenti.
Missionario scalabriniano nella città di Adelaide, padre Paganoni si interroga sulla disparità di partecipazione a una questione importante, quella delle migrazioni, che riguarda il benessere di ogni comunità.

This book explores the Italian contribution to the life of the Church in Australia. It begins with the historical experiences where Italians became identified as the Italian Problem, right through the Second World War where they became Enemy Aliens and on to the post war period, where Italians moved from being Dagoes to becoming Doers.
The first half of this impressive book challenges the treatment of Italians in Australia and boldly argues for a new awareness, almost an Italianization of the Australian Catholic Church. The final two chapters explore the Italian contribution to the Australian Church through the prism of theology and scripture.
As Australians of an Italian background move on to their third and even fourth generation in Australia, this volume will become a rally call to reclaim our unique heritage, which is Catholic, Italian and, most of all, Australian.

The essays in this anthology were first presented as papers in the conference, Faith on the Move: Toward a Theology of Migration in Asia, July 14-15, 2006, jointly organized by the Scalabrini Migration Center, Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People, and the Maryhill School of Theology.