Istituto storico
The historical patrimony of the Congregation, made up of the Founder’s work and writings as well as documentary evidence of the life and work of the first missionaries, represents an indispensable source for the vitality of the Scalabrinian missionary charism.
The area of competence of the Historical Institute, which works in close collaboration and synergy with the General Archives, includes the study and publication of the Founder’s texts (works, pastoral letters, homilies), appropriately placed in their historical moment, and the life of the Congregation, in the events that marked its origin and early developments.
Numerous publications can be counted to the credit of the Historical Institute. We recall, among others, the valuable biography Giovanni Battista Scalabrini by Father Mario Francesconi, postulator of the cause of beatification of the Founder, and the volume of the Pastoral Letters edited by Father Ottaviano Sartori.
In addition to the above mentioned Father Francesconi and Father Sartori, Fathers Gianfausto Rosoli, Antonio Perotti and Agostino Lovatin succeeded in the direction of the Historical Institute.
Father Perotti in particular was responsible for a considerable impulse to the Institute through an intense work of documentary reconnaissance of the early years of the congregation, which has been incorporated in four volumes that trace an initial history. Unfortunately, his sudden death in September 2004 prevented Father Perotti from completing the work for publication, as well as conducting a prestigious historical conference (L’Ecclesiologia di Scalabrini) already carefully prepared, and which was held the following year in the Mother House in Piacenza (October 2005) as part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Founder’s death.
Dopo una pausa quasi decennale, i lavori dell’Istituto Storico Scalabriniano sono ripresi nel giugno 2019.
In data 21 maggio 2019, infatti, il Superiore generale, P. Leonir M. Chiarello, in conformità con lo Statuto dell’Istituto Storico Scalabriniano e in attuazione della direttiva n. 20 del XV CG, ha nominato il nuovo direttore e il gruppo promotore.
- Prof. Matteo Sanfilippo, direttore dell’Istituto Storico Scalabriniano
- Dott.ssa Veronica De Sanctis, assistente
Gruppo promotore:
- P. Graziano Battistella, Presidente
- S.E. Silvano M. Card. Tomasi, Presidente onorario
- P. Giovanni Terragni, archivista generale e vice-direttore dell’Istituto Storico Scalabriniano
- P. Lorenzo Prencipe, presidente CSER
- P. Fabio Baggio, sottosegretario della Sezione Migranti e Rifugiati.
The Scalabrinians in North America (1887-1934)
Mary Elizabeth Brown
Center for Migration Studies of New York, 1996 Read the book
DownloadA Vision Unfolding – The Scalabrinians in North America (1888 – 1988)
Alba Zizzamia
Center for Migration Studies of New York, 1989 Read the book
Download100 Days – The Visit of Bishop Scalabrini To The United States and Its Effects On The Image of The Italian Immigrants as Reflected in The Press of 1901
Andrew Brizzolara
Missionaries of St Charles – Scalabrinians – 1996 Read the book
DownloadCarteggio Bonomelli – Pisani (1900-1914) [Bonomelli – Pisani Correspondence (1900-1914)]
The Opera di Assistenza agli emigrati italiani in Europa through the correspondence between the founder and the director of the missionaries
Edited by Gianfausto Rosoli
Istituto Storico Scalabriniano – 2020 – Read the book
DownloadScalabrinian Bibliography
Writings about G.B. Scalabrini, the Scalabrinians and the Scalabrinian Institutions
Edited by Veronica De Sanctis, Matteo Sanfilippo and Giovanni Terragni
Roma, Istituto Storico Scalabriniano, 2020 – Read the book
DownloadStudi Emigrazione:
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini e le leggi sulle migrazioni [John Baptist Scalabrini and the laws on migration]
edited by Lorenzo Prencipe e Matteo Sanfilippo
Proceedings of the 17 December 2018 seminar, carried out in the library of the Centro Studi Emigrazione (CSER), organized by CSER, with the participation of the General Administration, the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) and the Ufficio Comunicazioni scalabriniano (UCOS).
Bonomelli e Scalabrini: due vescovi al cui cuore non bastò una diocesi [Bonomelli and Scalabrini: two bishops for whose hearts their diocese was not enough]
Proceedings of the seminar with the same title – Friday 15 maggio 2015 – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
A cura di Fabio Baggio, cs
The event was organized by Fondazione Migrantes (CEI), by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, by the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) and by the Fondazione Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità (ISMU) di Milano. This volume collects the contributions presented at the seminar with the intention of making them available to a wider audience. – Read the book
DownloadBeniamino Rossi, cs
“Un’opera ben più vasta” – Gli inizi della Congregazione Scalabriniana e l’Opera di Patronato San Raffaele [“A much greater work” – The beginnings of the Scalabrinian Congregation and the St Raphael Benevolent Society]
edited by Matteo Sanfilippo
From the Forward: […] It was Scalabrini who, first, brought the great migration to the attention of the Church and the Italian society and inserted the issue within the wider social question and the political and cultural discussion of Italy, while at the same time linking it to the world dimension that underpins the migratory phenomenon. Read the book
DownloadL’Ecclesiologia di Scalabrini [Scalabrini’s Ecclesiology]
Proceedings of the Second International Historical Symposium edited by Gaetano Parolin e Agostino Lovatin
Urbaniana University Press, 2006
“Where people work and suffer, there the Church is”. This thought by Scalabrini became the logo of the Second International Historical Symposium on “The Ecclesiology of Scalabrini,” held in Piacenza from 9 to 12 November 2005, within the celebrations on the occasion of the first centennial anniversary of the death of the Bishop of Piacenza and Founder of the Missionaries of St Charles – Scalabrinians. –
Read the book DownloadFabio Baggio
La Chiesa argentina di fronte all’immigrazione italiana tra il 1870 ed il 1915 – problemi, idee e scelte operative [The Church in Argentina Facing Immigration from Italy between 1870 and 1915 – issues, ideas and operational choices]
Doctoral thesis on History of the Church, Rome, 1998 –
Read the book DownloadPaolo Borruso
Missioni Cattoliche ed Emigrazione italiana in Europa: 1922 – 1958 [Catholic Missions and Italian Emigration in Europe: 1922 – 1958]
Istituto Storico Scalabriniano, 1994
Scalabrini e le migrazioni nel contesto storico delle migrazioni europee in America. L’Istituzione missionaria per gli emigranti [Scalabrini and migrations in the historical context of European migrations in America. The missionary institution for emigrants]
VOL. Ia – Chronological and historical notes of P. Antonio Perotti
First period – Previous historical context and Scalabrini’s intervention since 1887 at the First International Catholic Congress of Social Works in Liège (September 1890).- Read the book
DownloadScalabrini e le migrazioni nel contesto storico delle migrazioni europee in America. L’Istituzione missionaria per gli emigranti [Scalabrini and migrations in the historical context of European migrations in America. The Missionary Institution for Migrants]
VOL. Ib – Chronological and historical notes of P. Antonio Perotti
Provisional and incomplete edition not reproducible
Second period – 1890 – 1905
From the International Conference of the San Raffaele Society in Lucerne (December 1890) to the Scalabrini Memorial in Pius X and the death of Scalabrini (June 1905).. – Read the book
Scalabrini e le migrazioni – L’Associazione di Patronato “San Raffaele” per gli emigrati italiani nel contesto del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia e in Europa. [Scalabrini and migrations – The “St Raphael” Benevolent Society for Italian emigrants in the context of the social Catholic movement in Italy and Europe]
VOL. IIa – Chronological and historical notes of P. Antonio Perotti.
Provisional and incomplete “pro-manuscript” edition
First period: From the foundation of the St. Raphael-Verein in Germany (1871) and the Association of patronage for Italian emigrants (1889) until the presentation of the second Lucerne Memorial to the Holy See (May 1891).
Scalabrini e le migrazioni – L’Associazionismo di Patronato “San Raffaele” per gli emigrati italiani nel contesto del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia e in Europa [Scalabrini and migrations – The “St Rapahel” Benevolent Association for Italian emigrants in the context of the Catholic social movement in Italy and Europe
VOL. IIb – Chronological and historical notes of P. Antonio Perotti
Provisional and incomplete edition “pro manuscripto” – Second period
From the changes of the Statutes of the Patronage Association (September 1891) to the participation in the work of the International Association for the Protection of Workers in Paris and the death of Monsignor G.B. Scalabrini (June 1905). – Read the book
Scalabrini e le migrazioni moderne. Scritti e carteggi [Scalabrini and modern migrations. Writings and correspondences]
Edited by Silvano Tomasi e Gianfausto Rosoli
Sei, Torino, 1997
It is clear from these pages the value that the author attributes to the country and the relationship between it and Italian migrants in the world, not only for the protection of their rights, but also for the dissemination of our language and culture abroad and for the civil and religious growth of the migrants themselves. But what emerges more from the text is the mysterious reason that led the prelate of Piacenza to take charge of the migrants, that is to take the opportunity to meet Christ in each of them, especially in the most marginalized, new “slaves” of the “human flesh merchants”.
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. Lettere Pastorali (1876-1905). [John Baptist Scalabrini. Pastoral letters (1876-1905)]
Complete edition by Ottaviano Sartori, Sei, Torino, 1994
The pastoral letters of Msgr. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza, founder of the missionaries of St Charles, are a reliable source of great importance for new reflections on his personality as a prelate and on the role he had in the universal Church, in his diocese and in the world as a contemplative migrant among emigrants.
Scalabrini tra vecchio e nuovo mondo. [Scalabrini between the old and the new world]
Proceedings of the International Historical Symposium
Piacenza, 3-5 December 1987
edited by
Mario Francesconi
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, Vescovo di Piacenza e degli emigrati (1839 – 1905) [John Baptist Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza and of Migrants]
Città Nuova, 1985
This biographical study, in addition to examining all aspects, including those still “discussed” by some, investigates the profound motivations of attitudes, pastoral choices, the action of the Bishop of Piacenza and emigrants, discovering the inner sources, namely faith, hope and charity, whose uncommon exercise led the Holy See to officially introduce the Cause of Beatification.
History of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 1 (1886-1888)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadHistory of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 2 (1888-1895)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadHistory of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 3 (1888-1905)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadHistory of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 4 (1896-1919)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadHistory of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 5 (1919-1940)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadHistory of the Scalabrinian Congregation – Vol. 6 (1941-1978)
By Mario Francesconi, cs
Center for Migration Studies 1983 – Istituto Storico Scalabriniano 2021
Read the text DownloadThe life of Bishop Scalabrini
Video History of the Scalabrinian Congregation
Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini
fondatore della Congregazione
1° Superiore generale: 1887 – 1905
P. Domenico Vicentini
2° Superiore generale: 1905 – 1919
P. Pacifico Chenuil
3° Superiore generale: 1919 – 1923
Card. Gaetano De Lai
4° Superiore generale: 1924 – 1928
Card. Carlo Perosi
5° Superiore generale: 1928 – 1930
Card. Raffaello Rossi
6° Superiore generale: 1930 – 1948
Card. Adeodato Piazza
7° Superiore generale: 1948 – 1951
P. Francesco Prevedello
8° Superiore generale: 1951 – 1957
P. Raffaele Larcher
9° Superiore generale: 1957 – 1963
P. Giulivo Tessarolo
10° Superiore generale: 1963 – 1969
P. Renato Bolzoni
11° Superiore generale: 1969 – 1974
P. Giovanni Simonetto
12° Superiore generale: 1974 – 1980
P. Sisto Caccia
13° Superiore generale: 1980 – 1992
P. Luigi Valentino Favero
14° Superiore generale: 1992 – 2000
P. Isaia Birollo
15° Superiore generale: 2001 – 2007
P. Sergio Olivo Geremia
16° Superiore generale: 2007 – 2012
P. Alessandro Gazzola
17° Superiore generale: 2012 – 2018
P. Leonir Mario Chiarello
18° Superiore generale: 2018 –
Istituto Storico Scalabriniano
Via Calandrelli 11
00153 Roma
Tel. (ext: 110)