Network of migrant shelters (Casas del Migrante)

Network of migrant shelters (Casas del Migrante)

logo rete case del migrante

The Shelters (Casas)

rete case del migrante tijuana

Since 1985, the Scalabrinian Missionaries are engaged in welcoming and hosting a variety of migrants, deportees, refugees by opening the first Migrant Shelter in Tijuana. Later, other similar shelters followed in Nuevo Laredo, Tapachula, Guatemala, Tecún Umán, El Salvador and Guadalajara.

The Migrant Shelters are welcoming centers, where room and board is offered along with spiritual help and guidance, basic medical attention, defense and promotion of human rights.

The Network

rete case del migrante

The Migrant Shelters Network was established in December 1999. This new organization began officially with the publication of the document the Cry of the Undocumented as a 2000 Jubilee message; its general objective is promoting a joint pastoral approach to migration with other shelters, in cooperation with other NGOs and Churches for the integral promotion of migrants under the human, cultural, social and spiritual profile.

The Nuevo Laredo Migrant Shelter in Mexico has been chosen as the Network Headquarters and is therefore the operative center for the initiatives and proposals officially issued for the pastoral care of the migrant brothers and sisters.