Missionary solidarity
«May the Lord reward generously our benefactors and increase their numbers… May He assist, defend, protect and prosper this work of His»
Blessed J. B. Scalabrini
How to send donations
From Italy
- With bank check payable to the order of: Associazione Scalabriniana Onlus – Via Calandrelli 42 – 00153 Roma
- Through the post office (conto corrente postale n. 000036150001 made out to: Associazione Scalabriniana Onlus – Via Calandrelli 42 – 00153 Roma
- Through a wire transfer to: Associazione Scalabriniana onlus – Via Calandrelli 42 – 00153 Roma; IBAN: IT31 E076 0103 2000 0003 6150 001
From abroad
- With bank check payable to the order of: Associazione Scalabriniana Onlus – Via Calandrelli 42 – 00153 Roma
- Through a wire transfer to: Associazione Scalabriniana onlus – Via Calandrelli 42 – 00153 Roma; IBAN: IT31 E076 0103 2000 0003 6150 001 BIC: BPPIITRRXXX
The campaign of solidarity provides for

Centers of Missionary Formation for
- Asian youth (Cebu –Philippines)
- African youth (Cape Town – South Africa)
- Central American youth (Guatemala City)
- Haitian youth (Croix-de-Bouquets – Haiti)
- Vietnamese youth (Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam)
The Support of Missionaries
- Residence for sick and elderly missionaries (Passo Fundo – Brazil)
Seamen and Fishermen
- Stella Maris International (Kaoshiung – Taiwan)
Immigrants and Refugees
- Community Center from Migrants, Refugees and Local Residents (Nampula – Mozambique)
Children – “Un aiuto alla vita” Project
- Children assisted by the missionaries in Brazil – Colombia – Haiti.
Mass Intentions

«In the Mass all the sacrifices and all the acts of worship are admirably summed up and complement each other. In fact, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is, at the same time, totally worshipful, Eucharistic, propitiatory and supplicatory. It is worshipful, because through it we give God the homage of adoration proportionate to his infinite greatness, as we acknowledge His Supreme Power; it is Eucharistic, inasmuch as we proclaim through it His Divine Goodness with all our gratitude for the graces received; it is propitiatory, because with it we ask from the Divine Mercy the forgiveness of our sins and the eternal rest for our dear deceased, seeking to propitiate at the same time His Divine Justice; finally, it is supplicatory, because thanks to it, we ask Our Father who is in heaven the grace and the help we need daily».
J. B. Scalabrini, How to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day. 1904 Lenten Pastoral letter to the diocese of Piacenza
Every last Saturday of the month a Mass will be celebrated for the deceased and for the benefactors of our missionary work.