Unity of the charism
The Scalabrinian Family is made up of the three Institutes of Consecrated Life, founded by Blessed J. B. Scalabrini (The Missionaries of St. Charles, The Missionary Sisters of St. Charles) or which draw inspiration from him (The Scalabrinian Secular Missionary Women).
In recent years, the Lay Scalabrinians have also joined the family; their aim is to be trained so as to be salt and leaven at all levels within the world of migration (ecclesial, cultural, social, political etc.).

With the migrants, as agents of communion
We work especially with migrants, to enable them to become agents of communion in diversity. We are to be with them , even before being for them. He, in fact, stands and knocks at the door, behind the most diverse faces (see Ap 3,20; Mt 25,35).
Our mission in the world of human mobility finds its inexhaustible spring in the Eucharist, anticipation and fulfillment of that universal communion, which makes of us children and brethren, members of one body.
In the Eucharist, body broken and blood poured, we let ourselves be transformed by the love of the Christ, who continues to be crucified until the end of time and whom Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, in his very own prayer to the Virgin Mary, indicates to us as the most precious legacy: Fac me cruce inebriari.
We have made ours the demands of the universal project of God’s love, calling us to be neighbors to the ever newest last ones, like the migrants and the refugees, to give to all salvation and the overabundance of His life.
Our consecration as disciples of Jesus brings us to share the anguish and the hope which are part of the migrants’ Exodus, as we journey with trust in the love of the Father.