Religious life

«The Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians are men who are called to follow Jesus Christ more closely through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. They live their consecration to God in communities of fraternal life and they accompany the migrants, to whom, especially to the last and the least ones, they are sent to announce the mystery of salvation.
Faithful to God’s design, we commit ourselves within the local Church to give new vitality and and a renewed missionary fervor to our religious consecration at the service of those who more dramatically live the phenomenon of human mobility.
It is crucial, then, that we give the required emphasis to spiritual and community life and we focus on specific training in view of the multiplicity and variety of specialized tasks which the Congregation has taken upon itself in keeping with the prophetic character of its Charism. In synergy with other “partners”, including also the laity, our mission urges us toward the full promotion of the human person».
Final Document of the 13th General Chapter, 9